
Higley Instrumental Association

Higley High School Bands and Orchestra

Marching Band

Honoring our Seniors and Welcoming our Future Knights!
Honoring our Seniors and Welcoming our Future Knights!November 2, 2023Marching BandOctober 20, 2023 was a very memorable day … not only did we honor our Marching Band seniors, we also had a great time showing the 8th grade Spartans what it’s like to be a Marching Knight.  After rehearsing, hanging out and having dinner together, the Spartans and the Knights took to the field to do what they do best … […]
…And the 2023 Competition Season Begins!
…And the 2023 Competition Season Begins!October 18, 2023Marching BandEven though there was no academic instruction during the second week of Fall Break, the Marching Knights were on campus working diligently to prepare for their first 2023 competition.  In addition to finalizing the last pieces of the show, the Marching Knights had the privilege of working with two esteemed clinicians; James “Hud” Hudson led a music/effect clinic, and Bill Humbert held a team building and leadership clinic. The Marching Knights achieved stellar results on October 7th at the Pinnacle HS competition.  Not only did they take first place in the 4A division with a score of 71.575, they won all five caption awards! At the Mountain Ridge HS competition on October 14th, the Marching Knights scored 4 points higher than the previous week, with a total of 75.6.  This is an amazing score increase in the span of only one week!  The Marching Knights also won the Percussion caption award in their division (even though it was accidentally awarded to Campo Verde – ooops!) It is so rewarding to witness that the unwaivering dedication of 2023 Marching Knights is yielding much-deserved recognition.  They are on target to have a record-breaking competition season – please continue to show your support for these hard-working students! […]
The 2023 Marching Knights kick off the season
The 2023 Marching Knights kick off the seasonJuly 24, 2023Marching BandThe 2023 Marching Knights were certainly hard at work well before the first day of school!  Our percussionists and guard members began rehearsing in June, then were joined by their fellow instrumentalists during the week of July 10th. During their 70 hours together that week, the Marching Knights not only made incredible progress in learning their 2023 competitive show (and some of our favorite pep tunes), they also made some lasting memories. The days were long and the heat was oppressive, but the Knights had some special things to keep them going… dinners from Portillo’s, Salerno’s, Raising Cane’s, and Texas Roadhouse … smoothies from Jamba Juice and Sno from Bahama Bucks … and a fun-filled evening of bowling at Bowlero in Mesa. The conclusion of band camp week brought senior speeches, during which our 18 soon-to-be graduates shared some very entertaining and deeply heartfelt words.  The Marching Knights then took to the field to perform for family and friends and proudly display their accomplishments from the week. And the performing didn’t end there!  The Marching Knights pumped up the HUSD staff as they entered the HCPA last Thursday morning for their back-to-school rally.  The Marching Knights also showed the incoming freshmen true Higley spirit during their orientation pep rally on Friday.   The Marching Knights are off to a fantastic start of their 2023 season.  Be sure to catch them in action at football games and competitions over the next few months.  Go ahead … you know you want to shout it with them … YOU WISH YOU WERE A HIGLEY KNIGHT!!! […]
You Wish You Were a Higley Knight …
You Wish You Were a Higley Knight …December 12, 2022Marching BandThe year 2022 was certainly history-making for the Higley Marching Knights!  Under the leadership of Mr. Sharp and Mr. Cheatham, the Marching Knights had some pretty amazing experiences to say the least … In May, the Knights proudly played a medly of patriotic music in the National Memorial Day Parade down Constitution Avenue in Washington DC.  Among the many historical places they visited during their 5 days in DC was the grave of John Philip Sousa, “The March King.” The Marching Knights performed a stellar show this year entitled The Quest to the Island of Gold.  The latin-inspired music and stunning visual effect came together to produce a truly captivating performance. The 2022 season closed with the Marching Knights performing at the AIA State Championship at ASU.  The band was thrilled to be a part of the Higley Football team’s journey to victory this year – GO BIG BLUE! Of course the Marching Knights experienced so much more during 2022 than just the above highlights.  There was the formation of friendships and the growth of existing ones, the survival of the sweaty bug-infested rehearsals along with lightning/dust storms/torrential downpours, the run-through of a part “just one more time” (which really meant five),  the building of section bonds (and the importance of section “babies”), and all those small yet meaningful moments which will stay with each Knight for years to come.  Congratulations Marching Knights for a truly memorable year! […]
The Marching Knights Share in a Celebration
The Marching Knights Share in a CelebrationNovember 20, 2022Marching BandThis past Saturday, 21 Higley Marching Knights donned their uniforms in preparation of a very meaningful celebration.  A local resident had requested that the Knights add a special surprise to her spouse’s milestone birthday. So with smiling faces and instruments in hand, these dedicated instrumentalists gathered outside the couple’s home to deliver their musical birthday wishes. Due to their proximity to Higley High Stadium, the couple has enjoyed hearing the Marching Knights practice for the last several months.  The Knights were honored to have the opportunity to perform for the community and help make this birthday celebration a little more magical. […]
Senior Night 2022
Senior Night 2022November 19, 2022Marching BandSenior Night 2022 will be remembered as the quintessential magical evening – not only was the Higley football team victorious over Williams Field, we also honored our senior Marching Knights and their families.  These seniors hold a very special place in Marching Knights history, serving as the leaders for our highest-scoring competition season to date. Those outside the realm of marching band might not realize the unwaivering dedication of these performers and the countless hours of rehearsal necessary to produce their show each season.  The talent, perserverance, and loyalty exhibited by each and every Marching Knight is truly a treasure to behold.  Although their Quest to the Island of Gold is now complete, the memories from this extraordinary season will last forever. Congratulations to all our senior Marching Knights and their amazing families who have supported them!     Elizabeth     Maraya     Amia     Vanessa     Braden     Destiny     Jonathan     Mary     Evelyn     Jaelin     Calyssa     Kaylee     Mason     Shay     Jocelyn     Brooklyn     Alexis […]
First Performance of 2022
First Performance of 2022September 9, 2022Marching BandThe Higley Marching Knights were set to make their exhibition season debut at a home game but not before a little preparation the night before and a minor delay due to mother nature prior to the game. Thursday night saw for preparation of getting on and off the field. The Parent Volunteers (Knight Crew) joined the band as they worked through the sequence of getting the podiums and front ensemble in place while the rest of the band marched to their starting positions. A couple run throughs and clean ups were followed by preparation for getting off the field. Friday night upon us, excitement was definitely in the air, especially for those freshman who were anxiously awaiting their first performance. Mother Nature had other plans. As storm clouds brewed, the band rehearsed inside keeping themselves and their instruments dry and dust free. The storm hit hard with a lot of dust and lightening. Unfortunately with every bolt came a restart of a 30 minute clock before the game could start. After a moderate delay, the game started and the Knights made their way out to the field. Forgoing their uniforms due to the weather, the marched past the crowd and settled into their home just outside the north end zone. They supported the team playing the fight song and classic stand tunes, and then gave a wonderful first performance during the half time show. Congrats to all the freshman who made it through their first performance and to all the vets who took their first step towards making this a great season! […]
Band Camp 2022
Band Camp 2022July 30, 2022Marching BandDue to everyone just getting back from Washington, DC, The 2022 Higley Marching Knight Band Camp was held at the school this year. The band members, directors, staff and parent volunteers still made it a memorable one. Day 1 started off with a quick orientation and Ice Breaker. Both the first two days included morning sectionals where everyone got to know others in their section. Marching basics and a fun activity rounded out the evening. Day 2 brought the first Full Ensemble Rehearsal. The morning of day 3 changed things up a bit as the band was able to view some DCI videos, learned how to read drill and came up with their Section Crests. After an afternoon of hard work, marching and playing for the first time, the band boarded buses and headed to a local trampoline park for some fun bonding time. Days 4 and 5 had the band beginning to learn the drill for the opener of this year’s show “The Quest to the Island of Gold”. Day 5, the final day of band camp finished with a wonderful performance for friends and family to show off what the band had learned over the week. […]